the Fundamental Sciences E-infastructure for KM3NeT, the LHC, and the SKA
Science case
The FuSE facility is the key enabler to analyse the data and extract the scientific results for three Roadmap Facilities: the Large Hadron Collider, the Square Kilometre Array, and the KM3NeT neutrino telescope. For KM3NeT the science cases are equally compelling: it is the only place in Europe where neutrino oscillations and cosmic neutrinos can be studied. The science cases of interest to the Dutch community for the SKA are among the highest-priority science projects identified for this global telescope. Whilst it will take until 2026-2027 for the full science capability of SKA to ramp up to full capacity we will be building on leading Dutch expertise in LOFAR, a critical SKA pathfinder telescope, to blaze the way to significant leadership and impact from the new SKA. Given the investments that the Netherlands has made over the past 10-15 years, it is a matter of national pride that the two highest rated key science projects for SKA are the study of the Epoch of Reionisation (mapping the evolution of the first stars and galaxies) and timing pulsars to test extreme physics (of matter and gravity).
Furthermore, we aim to deliver an e-Infrastructure that will be ready for the emerging field of multi-messenger physics, exploiting data from a number of detectors and telescopes to enable fundamental discoveries. In the longer term, this will include yet another infrastructure on the National Roadmap: the 3rd generation gravitational waves detector, Einstein Telescope.
This unique infrastructure component combines the interests of three Research Infrastructures on the National Roadmap and strives towards an even stronger position for the Netherlands in these experiments by enabling an excellent data processing and analysis environment in full alignment with the Dutch national e-Infrastructure.
About FuSE
‘FuSE: Fundamental Sciences E-infrastructure’ brings together Nikhef, the Dutch institute for subatomic physics) and ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio-Astronomy), with SURF), the national e-Infrastructure provider, to build and operate a nationwide e-Infrastructure. This e-Infrastructure will serve the most data-intensive and demanding Research Infrastructures on the National Roadmap: the LHC experiments ATLAS, LHCb, and ALICE at CERN (in high-energy physics), the Square Kilometre Array (SKA, radio astronomy) and KM3NeT (neutrino astrophysics) and will thereby strengthen the already unique position of The Netherlands in providing joint e-Infrastructure facilities.