Access FuSE Infrastructure
using the computing, storage, and R&D facility at FuSE
The FuSE Roadmap infrastructures (KM3NeT, the Large Hadron Collider collaborations, and the Square Kilometre Array) have joined fores with the Dutch National e-Infrastructure coordinated by SURF to provide an integrated national centre for data-intensive accelerated computing. Hence, the resources of FuSe complement the ‘NWO call for submissions of computing time’, adding unique capabilities for high-throughput networking, accellerated efficient computing, and large volumes of high-throughput storage. In addition, FuSE performs R&D on next generation processign pilelines with GPU-enhanced algorithms and an open ‘community-networked’ access mechism based on global interfederation of services and users.
Access to the FuSe capacity is organised through the participating LSRIs, where by joining the LSRI users automatically gain access to the FuSE infrastructure (as well as to much more of the national e-Infrastructure coordinated by SURF). Being part of this integrated system, FuSE resources are capacity-shared (on a ‘fair-use’ basis) with other high-throughput research in the Netherlands through common ‘Grid computing’ and ‘dCache storage’ services access through SURF. This makes the FuSE infratructure a transparent part fo the national ecosystem, where research flows across systems without hindrance.
The workflow engineering and accelerated computing R&D is executed jointly with university partners and the SURF Innovation Labs, where new concepts aer field-tested before their deployment in the production infrastructure. The R&D welcomes open participation and co-development, with ‘field-labs’ for systems research, workshops on technology trends and efficient computing, and workflow engineering for e.g. the SKA Regional Centre Network.
- Access to compute services at SURF
- Infrastructure through KM3NeT (Intl.) and through Nikhef
- Infrastructure through the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid WLCG (Intl.) and through the Nikhef at Atlas, Alice, or LHCb
- Infrastructure through the SKA via ASTRON